Unadorned GymnodorisGymnodoris inornataNight, Kwato Dock, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041279#0049Larry L. Jackson
Haig's Porcelain CrabPorcellanella haigaeNight, Kwato Dock, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041279#0052Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlatwormKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0001Larry L. Jackson
Roughsnout Ghost PipefishSolenostomus paegnius - likely female.Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0003Larry L. Jackson
Lined NembrothaNembrotha lineolataKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0005Larry L. Jackson
WunderpusWunderpus photogenicus - most of the legs are under the substrate ready to pull the octopus under if there is danger.Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0007Larry L. Jackson
WunderpusWunderpus photogenicusKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0008Larry L. Jackson
SpongeIanthella flabelliformisKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0012Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Feather Duster WormsSabellastarte speciesKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0013Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Humpback PrawnMetapenaeopsis speciesKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0015Larry L. Jackson
Undetermined Feather Duster WormSabellastarte speciesKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0016Larry L. Jackson
Tiger Egg CowrieCuspivolva tigrisKwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 29, 20041280#0019Larry L. Jackson