Small FlatwormPseudobiceros mikrosNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0054Larry L. Jackson
Lightning FlatwormPseudobiceros fulgorNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0057Larry L. Jackson
Starry CarminodorisCarminodoris estrelyadoNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0059Larry L. Jackson
Common Egg Cowrie juvenileOvula ovumNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0061Larry L. Jackson
Precious ChromodorisChromodoris preciosaNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0063Larry L. Jackson
Zigzag CowrieCypraea ziczacNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0067Larry L. Jackson
Margarita Egg CowriesDiminovula margaritaNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0071Larry L. Jackson
Undescribed NembrothaNembrotha speciesNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0074Larry L. Jackson
Red-hair PipefishHalicampus dunckeri - the red hair is minimal.North Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0075Larry L. Jackson
Black-lined Sapsucking SlugCyerce nigra - the slug raises and lowers the leaf-like cerata as it crawls.North Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0080Larry L. Jackson
Black-lined Sapsucking SlugCyerce nigraNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0085Larry L. Jackson
Colorful HypselodorisHypselodoris infucataNorth Gona Bara Bara Island, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 28, 20041276#0097Larry L. Jackson