OspreyPandion haliaetus - this fish was dropped and subsequently returned for.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#3138Larry L. Jackson
OspreyPandion haliaetus - returned to get this fish.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#3173Larry L. Jackson
OspreyPandion haliaetusRothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#3180Larry L. Jackson
Hooded CrowCorvus cornix - we took photos of any other birds when the Osprey weren't fishing.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#3189Larry L. Jackson
Carrion CrowsCorvus cononeRothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#3193Larry L. Jackson
Hidesoften called 'blinds'Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 16, 20152015-07-16#5517Larry L. Jackson