Lecht MineSite of the largest manganese mine in ScotlandHighway A 939, Scotland, July 14, 20152015-07-14#2768Larry L. Jackson
Foot BridgeBlairnamorrow, Scotland, July 14, 20152015-07-14#2775Larry L. Jackson
Strathspey Steam TrainAviemore, Scotland, July 14, 20152015-07-14#2797Larry L. Jackson
KittiwakeRissa tridactyla - our site to photograph Osprey. Not a single photo of Osprey the first day, but other birds came.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2850Larry L. Jackson
Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucosRothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2865Larry L. Jackson
Oystercatcher & juvenileHaematopus ostralegus - these birds provided quite a few photography opportunities.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2880Larry L. Jackson
Oystercatcher & juvenileHaematopus ostralegusRothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2883Larry L. Jackson
Oystercatcher, juvenileHaematopus ostralegus - bathing.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2898Larry L. Jackson
Oystercatcher, juvenileHaematopus ostralegus - continuing to bath.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2914Larry L. Jackson
Oystercatcher, juvenileHaematopus ostralegus - drying off after a bath.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2928Larry L. Jackson
OystercatcherHaematopus ostralegus - the adult/parent bathing.Rothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2934Larry L. Jackson
OystercatcherHaematopus ostralegusRothiemurchus Fishery, Aviemore, Scotland, July 15, 20152015-07-15#2953Larry L. Jackson