Owl ButterflyCaligo eurilochus brasiliensis - a variety of Owl Butterflies.Floresta Amazonica Hotel, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7927Larry L. Jackson
Passion FlowerPassiflora coccineaFloresta Amazonica Hotel, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7936Larry L. Jackson
Unknown ButterflyI can't find the id of this Butterfly.Floresta Amazonica Hotel, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7940Larry L. Jackson
Unknown FlowerFloresta Amazonica Hotel, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7944Larry L. Jackson
Azara's AgoutiDasyprocta azaraeFloresta Amazonica Hotel, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7951Larry L. Jackson
Wallace's LongwingHeliconius wallaceiTelespires River, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7964Larry L. Jackson
Cristalino Lodge BoatWe drove from town to the river edge and took waiting boats to the lodge.Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8986Larry L. Jackson
Cristalino RiverWe boarded our boat near the junction of two rivers, Cristalino and Telespires.Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8987Larry L. Jackson
Telespires RiverThe larger of the two rivers.Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8988Larry L. Jackson
Bare-faced CurassowCrax fasciolata, female.Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7972Larry L. Jackson
White-lined Sac-winged BatSaccopteryx bilineataCristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7980Larry L. Jackson
White-whiskered Spider MonkeyAteles marginatusCristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7983Larry L. Jackson
White-whiskered Spider MonkeyAteles marginatusCristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#7991Larry L. Jackson
Red-handed Howler MonkeyAlouatta belzebul - juvenile.Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8000Larry L. Jackson
Red-handed Howler MonkeyAlouatta belzebulCristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8007Larry L. Jackson
Red-handed Howler MonkeyAlouatta belzebulCristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 20, 20102010-08-20#8014Larry L. Jackson
Canopy FlowersPhotographed from the observation tower near the lodge.Tower, Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 21, 20102010-08-21#8029Larry L. Jackson
Canopy FlowersTower, Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 21, 20102010-08-21#8031Larry L. Jackson
SunriseViewed from the top of the tower.Tower, Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 21, 20102010-08-21#8993Larry L. Jackson
Forest CanopyTower, Cristalino Lodge, Amazon, Brazil, August 21, 20102010-08-21#8996Larry L. Jackson