Short Beach BayCape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8827Larry L. Jackson
SalalGaultheria shallon - common along the coast.Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#7059Larry L. Jackson
Cape Meares LighthouseOregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8837Larry L. Jackson
Douglas SquirrelTamiasciurus douglasii - photo at ISO 28,800 in dark, forested area.Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#7066Larry L. Jackson
Douglas SquirrelTamiasciurus douglasii - ISO 32,000.Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#7072Larry L. Jackson
RocksCape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8840Larry L. Jackson
HeadlandCape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8842Larry L. Jackson
Sitka Spruce ConesPicea sitchensisCape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8844Larry L. Jackson
Wave on RockThe Seagull near the wave gives perspective to wave size.Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#7082Larry L. Jackson
Short Beach BayCape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8851Larry L. Jackson
WavesShort Beach Bay, Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8864Larry L. Jackson
Octopus TreeAn unusual 250-300 year old Sitka Spruce with multiple trunks.Cape Meares, Oregon, December 25, 20192019-12-25#8865Larry L. Jackson