2015-12 Solomon Islands Dives 2178-2210

  • Pictus Blenny
    Pictus Blenny
    Ecsenius pictus
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spanish Dancer egg ribbon
    Spanish Dancer egg ribbon
    Hexabranchus sanguineus
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Organ Pipe Coral
    Organ Pipe Coral
    Tubipora musica - a soft coral that builds red tubes that give it the name.
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Ornate Ghost Pipefish, male
    Ornate Ghost Pipefish, male
    Solenostomus paradoxus - nearly disappears in the feather star.
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Fire Dartfish
    Fire Dartfish
    Nemateleotris magnifica
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Loch's Chromodoris
    Loch's Chromodoris
    Chromodoris lochi - the most commmonly seen nudibranch on this trip.
    Custom Cave, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, December 2, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Acropora donei
    Acropora donei
    One of the large shelving Acropora corals.
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mimic Surgeonfish
    Mimic Surgeonfish
    Acanthurus pyroferus - at a cleaning station.
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Neptune's Cap
    Neptune's Cap
    Halomitra pileus
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Arc-eye Hawkfish
    Arc-eye Hawkfish
    Paracirrhites arcatus
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Pinktail Triggerfish
    Pinktail Triggerfish
    Melichthys vidua
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Dark Red-spined Brittle Stars
    Dark Red-spined Brittle Stars
    Ophiothrix purpurea - in coral.
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gilded Triggerfish, female
    Gilded Triggerfish, female
    Xanthichthys auromarginatus
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gilded Triggerfish, female
    Gilded Triggerfish, female
    Xanthichthys auromarginatus - being cleaned.
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Maxima Giant Clam
    Maxima Giant Clam
    Tridacna maxima
    Barracuda Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackspot Cleaner Wrasse
    Blackspot Cleaner Wrasse
    Labroides pectoralis
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Orange-finned Anemonefish
    Orange-finned Anemonefish
    Amphiprion chrysopterus - female defending her territory.
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bignose Unicornfish
    Bignose Unicornfish
    Naso vlamingii
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bignose Unicornfish
    Bignose Unicornfish
    Naso vlamingii
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bicolor Parrotfish
    Bicolor Parrotfish
    Cetoscarus bicolor - courtship behavior.
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Jewel Damsel
    Jewel Damsel
    Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus - algae farmers on dead coral surfaces.
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Moorish Idol
    Moorish Idol
    Zanclus cornutus
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Two-spined Angelfish
    Two-spined Angelfish
    Centropyge bispinosus
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White-bonnet Anemonefish
    White-bonnet Anemonefish
    Amphiprion leucokranos - in Merten's Carpet Anemone.
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Unicornfish
    Spotted Unicornfish
    Naso brevirostris
    Jackfish Point, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Clam
    Giant Clam
    Tridacna gigas - that gives this dive location its name.
    Giant Clam, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Redfin Butterflyfish
    Redfin Butterflyfish
    Chaetodon lunulatus
    Giant Clam, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Gilded Triggerfish, male
    Gilded Triggerfish, male
    Xanthichthys auromarginatus - also called Bluechin Triggerfish.
    Giant Clam, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Barred Thicklip
    Barred Thicklip
    Hemigymnus fasciatus - terminal (male) phase.
    Giant Clam, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bluehead Tilefish, pair
    Bluehead Tilefish, pair
    Hoplolatilus starcki - no seen often.
    Giant Clam, Mborokua Island, Solomon Islands, December 3, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
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