2015-06 Roatan, Honduras, Dives 2156-2177

  • Branching Tube Sponge
    Branching Tube Sponge
    Pseudoceratina crassa
    CoCo View Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Linesnout Goby
    Linesnout Goby
    Elacatinus lori - another goby that stays deep in its preferred sponge.
    CoCo View Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Sheepshead Porgy
    Sheepshead Porgy
    Calamus penna
    CoCo View Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mermaid's Tea Cup
    Mermaid's Tea Cup
    Udotea cyathiformis
    CoCo View Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Threespot Damselfish
    Threespot Damselfish
    Stegastes planifrons - the mature fish isn't nearly as pretty as the juvenile.
    CoCo View Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Zebra Sole
    Zebra Sole
    Gymnachirus nudus
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Slippery Dick
    Slippery Dick
    Halichoeres bivittatus - terminal phase.
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Rosy Blenny
    Rosy Blenny
    Malacoctenus macropus - female.
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mermaid's Fans
    Mermaid's Fans
    Udotea specie
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowhead Wrasse
    Yellowhead Wrasse
    Halichoeres garnoti - intermediate phase.
    First Bight Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Hawksbill Sea Turtle
    Hawksbill Sea Turtle
    Eretmochelys imbricata
    First Bight Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Longsnout Seahorse
    Longsnout Seahorse
    Hippocampus reidi
    First Bight Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Drum
    Spotted Drum
    Equetus punctatus
    First Bight Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Peacock Flounder
    Peacock Flounder
    Bothus lunatus - very approachable.
    First Bight Wall, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Blackbar Soldierfish
    Blackbar Soldierfish
    Myripristis jacobus
    Airplane near Prince Albert, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Furry Sea Cucumber
    Furry Sea Cucumber
    Asthichopus multifidus
    Airplane near Prince Albert, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Spotted Scorpionfish & Giant Hermit Crab
    Spotted Scorpionfish & Giant Hermit Crab
    Scorpaena plumieri & Petrochirus diogenes - the scorpionfish was watching for anything edible that was stirred up by the hermit crab.
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Yellowfin Mojarra
    Yellowfin Mojarra
    Gerres cinereus
    CoCo View Grass, Roatan, Honduras, June 25, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-spotted Nudibranch
    Black-spotted Nudibranch
    Phyllidiopsis papilligera
    40 Foot Point, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Creole Wrasse
    Creole Wrasse
    Clepticus parrae - terminal phase coloration.
    40 Foot Point, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black Durgon
    Black Durgon
    Melichthys niger - black subjects are difficult to photograph.
    40 Foot Pt, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Banded Clinging Crab
    Banded Clinging Crab
    Mithrax cinctimanus - lives under the edge of anemones.
    40 Foot Point, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Star Horseshoe Worm & Lofty Triplefin
    Star Horseshoe Worm & Lofty Triplefin
    Pomatostegus stellatus and with Enneanectes altivelis.
    40 Foot Point, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Scrawled Cowfish
    Scrawled Cowfish
    Acanthostracion quadricornis
    French Key Cut, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Anemone & Mysid Shrimp
    Giant Anemone & Mysid Shrimp
    Condylactis gigantea and Mysidium specie.
    French Key Cut, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Branching Anemone
    Branching Anemone
    Lebrunia danae
    French Key Cut, Roatan, Honduras, June 26, 2015
    Larry L. Jackson