2010-04 Hill Country Photo Safari with David Cardinal Photo

  • Antelope Horn & Gray Hairstreaks
    Antelope Horn & Gray Hairstreaks
    Asclepias asperula & Strymon melinus
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Turkey Vulture
    Turkey Vulture
    Cathartes aura
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Scarlet Hedgehog
    Scarlet Hedgehog
    Echiocereus coccineus
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Bristle-leaf Dyssodia
    Bristle-leaf Dyssodia
    Dyssodia tenuiloba
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Evening-star Rain Lily
    Evening-star Rain Lily
    Cooperia drummondii
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wildflowers
    Mostly Texas Bluebonnets and Bitterweed.
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Antelope Horns
    Antelope Horns
    Asclepias asperula
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Enchanted Rock
    Enchanted Rock
    A large granite dome.
    Between Fredricksburg & Llano, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wildflowers
    Texas Bluebonnets and Bitterweed with Enchanted Rock in the background.
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wildflowers
    Mostly Bitterweed.
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Landscape
    Prickly Pear, Texas Bluebonnets & Bitterweed.
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Creek
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Wildflowers
    Enchanted Rock Area, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mourning Dove
    Mourning Dove
    Zenaida macroura
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Archilochus alexandri - female feeding on Nodding Thistle.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Archilochus alexandri - female.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Painted Bunting
    Painted Bunting
    Passerina ciris - male fluffing.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Painted Bunting
    Painted Bunting
    Passerina ciris - males responded to a recorded bird call that we were given to use.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Painted Bunting
    Painted Bunting
    Passerina ciris - males are very pretty.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eastern Black Swallowtail on Nodding Thistle
    Eastern Black Swallowtail on Nodding Thistle
    Papilio polyxenes & Carduus nutans
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Giant Swallowtail onNodding Thistle
    Giant Swallowtail onNodding Thistle
    Papilio cresphontes & Carduus nutans
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Barn Swallow
    Barn Swallow
    Hirundo rustica - all were busily gathering mud for nests.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eastern Fox Squirrel
    Eastern Fox Squirrel
    Sciurus niger
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eastern Fox Squirrel
    Eastern Fox Squirrel
    Sciurus niger
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Monarch on Nodding Thistle
    Monarch on Nodding Thistle
    Danaus plexippus & Carduus nutans
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Eastern Phoebe
    Eastern Phoebe
    Sayornis phoebe - there was a nest above a light on the porch with 3 chicks.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Black-chinned Hummingbird
    Archilochus alexandri - male feeding on Nodding Thistle.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Black-chinned Hummingbirds
    Black-chinned Hummingbirds
    Archilochus alexandri - females feeding on Nodding Thistle.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Brown-headed Cowbird
    Brown-headed Cowbird
    Molothrus ater, male.  There was a trap on the property to reduce the population of this parasitic bird.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Chuckwagon
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Light Painted Chuckwagon
    Light Painted Chuckwagon
    An interesting long exposure technique that uses flashlight to expose the subject in the dark.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Light Painted Chuckwagon
    Light Painted Chuckwagon
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Light Painted Chuckwagon
    Light Painted Chuckwagon
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 28, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Light Painted House
    Light Painted House
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 29, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Old Hay Mower
    Old Hay Mower
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 30, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Inca Dove
    Inca Dove
    Columbina inca, male - distinguished by red eye.
    Turkey Hollow, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 30, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Summer Tanager
    Summer Tanager
    Piranga rubra, male - insectivore that was attracted by a recorded call.
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 30, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Texas Spiny Lizard
    Texas Spiny Lizard
    Sceloporus olivaceus
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, April 30, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Caboose Bunkhouse
    Caboose Bunkhouse
    Laurels Ranch, Block Creek Natural Area, Kendall County, Texas, May 1, 2010
    Larry L. Jackson