Ljubljanica RiverA bit closer look.Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 19, 20212021-10-19#6707Larry L. Jackson
Airplane PhotoAir France E190 #1037, Ljubljana, Slovenia to Paris, France, October 20, 20212021-10-20#2901Larry L. Jackson
Airplane Photo, Air France E190 #1037, arriving Paris, France2021-10-20#0607Larry L. Jackson
Airplane PhotoFrench city and the countryside.Air France 737 #1140, Paris, France to Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20,20212021-10-20#5500Larry L. Jackson
Airplane PhotoAir France 737 #1140, arriving Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-20#3114Larry L. Jackson
Airplane PhotoAir France 737 #1140, arriving Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-20#3500Larry L. Jackson
Room #1031I really like having an airport view.Hilton Hotel, Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-20#3416Larry L. Jackson
Room #1031Nice to have a big shower.Hilton Hotel, Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-20#3432Larry L. Jackson
Airport ViewRoom #1031, Hilton Hotel, Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-20#4321Larry L. Jackson
American Airlines 787 #221Heading home from Europe on this plane.Schiphol, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 20, 20212021-10-21#1523Larry L. Jackson