Room #604Very nice room at a very nice hotel.Hotel Cabo de Hornos, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#0333Larry L. Jackson
Room #604Hotel Cabo de Hornos, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#0346Larry L. Jackson
Banco EstadoWith a bit of time before farewell dinner, I went out for some city photos.Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9093Larry L. Jackson
Hernando de MagallanesThe park was across the street from the hotel.Park, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9095Larry L. Jackson
Hernando de MagallanesPark, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9100Larry L. Jackson
Compass FountainPark, Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9102Larry L. Jackson
Banco FalabellaPunta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9096Larry L. Jackson
Office BuildingPunta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9097Larry L. Jackson
Sacred Heart CathedralPunta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9098Larry L. Jackson
Hotel Cabo de HornosPunta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9103Larry L. Jackson
Antarctic ShagsPhalacrocorax bransfieldensis - wow, that is a lot of shags.Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9107Larry L. Jackson
FV Antarctic Endeavour & RV Laurence M GouldA fishing (blue & white) and research (red & gold) vessel at the dock with another large (red & white) vessel on the other side.Punta Arenas, Chile, May 2, 20232023-05-02#9109Larry L. Jackson