Chacma BaboonPapio ursinus, male - watching the approaching pack of Wild Dogs.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 20, 20182018-06-20#8267Larry L. Jackson
African Wild DogsLycaon pictus - hunting.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 20, 20182018-06-20#8948Larry L. Jackson
Leopard, femalePanthera pardus - evening had her back in the big tree with the kill.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 20, 20182018-06-20#8313Larry L. Jackson
Leopard, femalePanthera pardus - early morning, high ISO photo.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8346Larry L. Jackson
Leopard, femalePanthera pardus - high ISO morning photo.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8960Larry L. Jackson
Leopard, femalePanthera pardus - ISO 8,000Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8978Larry L. Jackson
Southern Reedbuck, maleRedunca arundinumKhwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8988Larry L. Jackson
Bat HawkMacheiramphus alcinus - rare sighting of this nocturnal species.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8414Larry L. Jackson
Bat HawksMacheiramphus alcinus - territorial or mating behavior might be why these rarely seen birds were still out.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8419Larry L. Jackson
Common Impala, femaleAepyceros melampus melampus - running animal.Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8454Larry L. Jackson
African Fish-eagle, juvenileHaliaeetus vocifer - behaving strangely at the river edge while we had breakfast.Khwai River, Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8513Larry L. Jackson
Burchell's StarlingLamprotornis australisKhwai River, Khwai Community Reserve, Botswana, June 21, 20182018-06-21#8562Larry L. Jackson