Hoedspruit Area, Limpopo

  • LJax & Cape Vulture
    LJax & Cape Vulture
    Gyps coprotheres - they let us put on the glove and hold some food to see just how heavy this large bird is.
    Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 2014
    Larry L. Jackson
  • White Rhinoceros
    White Rhinoceros
    Ceratotherium simum - orphaned, being raised here.
    Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 2014
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Honey Badger
    Honey Badger
    Mellivora capensis - really smart and exceptional escape artists.
    Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 2014
    Larry L. Jackson