LJax & Cape VultureGyps coprotheres - they let us put on the glove and hold some food to see just how heavy this large bird is.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 20142014-06-23#3378Larry L. Jackson
White RhinocerosCeratotherium simum - orphaned, being raised here.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 20142014-06-23#3411Larry L. Jackson
Honey BadgerMellivora capensis - really smart and exceptional escape artists.Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa, June 23, 20142014-06-23#3414Larry L. Jackson