Rugose CoralPachyseris rugosaWhite Beach, Sandfly Passage, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 15, 20061694#0115Larry L. Jackson
Graytail AngelfishChaetodontoplus poliourusWhite Beach, Sandfly Passage, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 15, 20061694#0116Larry L. Jackson
Palette Surgeonfish juvenileParacanthurus hepatus - close to the shelter coral.White Beach, Sandfly Passage, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 15, 20061694#0118Larry L. Jackson
Masked RabbitfishSiganus puellus - a predator has damaged the tail.White Beach, Sandfly Passage, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 15, 20061694#0119Larry L. Jackson
Streaky Rockiskipper femaleIstiblennius dussumieri - on a submerged barge deck in very shallow water.White Beach, Sandfly Passage, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 15, 20061694#0121Larry L. Jackson
Dark Knee Hermit CrabDardanus lagopodesKarumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0001Larry L. Jackson
Titan TriggerfishBalistoides viridescens - approachable except during nesting.Karumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0004Larry L. Jackson
Bluehead Tilefish pairHoplolatilus starcki - I have not seen these often.Karumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0010Larry L. Jackson
Bluehead Tilefish pairHoplolatilus starckiKarumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0014Larry L. Jackson
Bigeye BarracudaSphyraena forsteri with one Sphyraena forsteri.Karumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0019Larry L. Jackson
Pizza AnemoneCryptodendron adhaesivumKarumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0020Larry L. Jackson
Blue-girdled AngelfishPomacanthus navarchus - a young fish.Karumolun, Russell Islands, Solomon Islands, October 16, 20061695#0021Larry L. Jackson