Dives 1268-1276

  • Mandarinfish
    Synchiropus splendidus - heading up to spawn.
    Night, Kwato Island Dock, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 26, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • 4 Mandarinfish
    4 Mandarinfish
    Synchiropus splendidus - males competing for chance to spawn with a female.
    Night, Kwato Island Dock, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 26, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Mandarinfish
    Synchiropus splendidus - Spawning ascent.
    Night, Kwato Island Dock, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 26, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sponge
    Unknown Sponge
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Batangas Halgerda
    Batangas Halgerda
    Halgerda batangas
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sponge
    Unknown Sponge
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Unknown Sponge
    Unknown Sponge
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Winged Pipefish
    Winged Pipefish
    Halicampus macrorhynchus - really blends with the substrate.
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Winged Pipefish
    Winged Pipefish
    Halicampus macrorhynchus - detail of head.
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Flatworm
    Undescribed Flatworm
    Thysanozoon species 1
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Free-living Hard Corals
    Free-living Hard Corals
    Heteropsammia cochlea - I gathered a few for the photo. There is a worm living in the base that moves this coral around on the substrate mostly at night.
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
  • Undescribed Doto
    Undescribed Doto
    Doto species 19
    Kwato Channel, MV Chertan, Papua New Guinea, September 27, 2004
    Larry L. Jackson
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