Red-throated LoonsGavia stellata - parent and out-of-focus juvenile in the foreground.Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, September 5, 20112011-09-05#3905Larry L. Jackson
Snowy OwlNyctea scandiacaPrudhoe Bay, Alaska, September 5, 20112011-09-05#3924Larry L. Jackson
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusPrudhoe Bay, Alaska, September 5, 20112011-09-05#3943Larry L. Jackson
Snowy OwlNyctea scandiaca - road-marking posts afford the only tall vantage point for this predator.Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, September 5, 20112011-09-05#3947Larry L. Jackson
Cessna 1900COur ride to Barter Island.Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, September 5, 20112011-09-05#5287Larry L. Jackson